Larry the Legend

Created by Fiona 5 months ago

In 2017, Larry was badly injured by a fox or dog. He managed to seek safety and spent a day hiding. He was found in a terrible state by my shocked son who immediately drove him to the vets. The vets decided to try to save his leg and packed most of his wounds. He stayed in the vets for 9 days slowly regaining his usual fiesty ways.

Over the next 9 months, he went to the vets at least twice a week; sometimes more as his leg healed. Although he would remain an indoor cat, he recovered enough to enjoy life as a teenage cat. He was also adored by the staff at the vets.

He lived for another 7 years. Today we said goodbye to him as he had a large tumor in his mouth. I miss my buddy so much even though this was the kindest thing to do.

He is buried with his toys and I know will be there next summer in the garden playing with us.